My daily schedule

My daily schedule

Every year in Conard is a time for change and a time for meeting new people. This includes teachers and students, and in order to meet your new teachers and classmates, you need a schedule. I've been at conard for 4 years now and reading my schedule is second nature for me, knowing what rooms to be in and at what time as to not get marked late. However, new students have trouble learning their new schedules and they may end up in the wrong classes, this isn't a big deal in the beginning of the school year but if you do it in the middle of the year when you should know your schedule, you will mosty likely get in some kind of trouble.

In this website I will be taking you through my schedule, it's not the longest day but hey, I like going home early. I have 6 periods per day and they go as follows:

Conard High School logo
Class Room Time
Algebra II 175 7:30-8:18
World Literature 271 8:22-9:14
Computer Tech 197 9:18-10:06
US History 141 10:10-10:55
Game and Web Design 101 10:59-11:44
Study hall 169 11:48-12:33